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Saving a lost soul

In December we Baptists support a ministry called the Lottie Moon offering. That money goes to support international missions. This is a Lottie Moon story:

I was 13 when my dad announced we would be moving to Thailand. "Where is that?" we all wanted to know. He showed us the globe and turned to the side opposite Virginia. Then he made us some flash cards so we could learn a few phrases of the language. Two weeks later we were on a plane. Mom & Dad were believers so as soon as we arrived they looked for a church. There were only 2 English-speaking churches in Bangkok, Thailand the capital city where we would live for the next 2 years. They picked Calvary Baptist. I was very sad and shy. The transition was very difficult to school and church. Sometimes I sat in the car during Sunday school and worship. I just wanted to go home to the USA! Eventually I started to make friends. My friends were mostly MKs. That's short for missionary kids. Their parents were nurses, doctors, preachers and teachers. Some had PHD or MD by their names. Those folks were became my "aunts & uncles" away from home. They taught us teens in Sunday school when they weren't busy helping the Thai people get to know Jesus. I was resistant to the Word. In fact I was the last person in my family to accept Jesus. I was baptized at Calvary Baptist Church in Bangkok, Thailand on Sunday, Sept. 11, 1966 (9-11 is a good day for me. It's also the birth date of my daughter).

I was a baby in Jesus for many years but I did get a good Christian education from the missionary teachers and was encouraged to read the Bible.

My journey around the world as a child was challenging, but journeying with Jesus made all the difference as I grew, married, had kids and grandkids. There have been some big hurdles that I share on Our Stories page on this site. But I know God is working all things together for good for those who love the Lord who are the called according to his purpose. (Rom. 8:28)

My lost soul was saved by the dedication of those MK's and missionaries who were supported by the Lottie Moon offerings. My name is Patty S and I am the webmaster of this site.

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