The Word says "We walk by faith...." Paul could have used other verbs such live....run...think... but he said "walk."
2 Corinthians 5:7 "For we walk by faith not by sight"
We are on a journey. We are on the move. God is opening up His Word as we move forward.
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
In our 2024 January Bible study "The Common Thread-from Genesis to Revelation" by Friends of Israel teacher Chris Katula, we see the journey of Abraham, being called by God to go to a new place. When he believed God, he was given a threefold promise: Land, Descendants, and Blessing. The blessing was for all nations. You and I are being blessed through God's covenant promise to Abraham.
Each on of us has his or her own personal journey, but there is the "common thread" as we are learning in this study.
In February our WinGS group is sponsoring speaker, Jynnifer Albano talking about the Bible and the title is Telling HIStory of Love-the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. In June our Vacation Bible School (VBS) is from Answers in Genesis literature: The Great Jungle Journey-from Genesis to Revelation!
This was not a coordinated effort on our part. In fact I am the VBS leader and I was looking at a totally different literature from a different publisher; however, the church was more familiar with the Answers group, so I got on board. Now I am glad I did. It fascinates me when God uses totally different people and situations to share the same message. The leader of my Bible study group even brought up the Abraham covenent at our last meeting. That group is not part of my church and not even in the same town!
If you observe animals such as horses and dogs, when they hear a familiar voice, their ears will stand up. They are alerted to what is coming next. "Is it dinner time? Does my master want me to come home?" My ears don't stand up, but my spirit does and it is standing now, waiting for the next instruction! I am on alert right now with joyful anticipation of God's message to His faithful followers.

I believe those of us who are getting older tend to think more of where we are going. In my thinking, I began to research our family history and I made an interesting discovery. On my side of the family tree I don't know much, but on David's side I know a lot. All of his grandparents immigrated from Europe. His mother's family came from a very small town in Hungary. We plan to visit that town in the spring of 2024 to learn more of his heritage and to share that with our children. If we can get enough documentation, then by Hungarian law, David could get dual citizenship. That will bless our children. But we are already blessed with knowing we have citizenship in Heaven.
You may be like me, not quite sure where your family came from, but you can know where you are going by trusting in the Word of God.
The living Word, Jesus, said: in John 14:2 In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am. 4You know the way to the place where I am going."
Have you thought about your journey? Where is your walk taking you?
I would encourage readers to get into a study of the Word. If possible be part of a fellowship of studiers. We have links to resources on this site on the Bible page.
Here are three opportunities for you and your family to learn more at Cheriton Baptist Church:
The Common Thread (adults) Wednesday eveings Jan-March 2024;
Telling HIStory (for women) on Saturday February 10, 2024;
The Great Jungle Journey (for kids) 6PM Mon-Fri June 24-28, 2024.