"He will cover you with His Wings. And under His Wings you will be safe. He is faithful like a safe-covering and a strong wall." Psalm 91:4 NLB
Ministry Outreach
WinGS reaches out to others with Bible Studies, and an international witness doll ministry and more....
During the school year some of us go to the local elementary school to share via the Good News Club ministry
In February: we Love the Little Ones by bringing diapers, wipes, bottles, pacificiers, baby clothes to the Fellowship Hall.
Please let us know if you want to participate in one of our Outreach Ministry programs by emailing: Women@CBCWinGS.com

Lottie Moon was a missionary from Virginia who went to China in the 1800s. She wrote letters to churches telling them about the need to reach the lost in other countries. We honor her memory with an annual gift in her name that supports global missions.
2024 WinGS is supporting several women's activities & events: Valentine treats for Shut-Ins, Ignite Hope Conference, Women Victorious. For details or to see what else is coming in 2024 check our Events calendar
ANPC -Pregnancy & Parenting Recource Center (scroll to bottom to learn more)
In December please consider a gfit to
Lottie Moon International Missions. 100% of your gift goes to support reaching the lost world wide.
During the 2022 holiday season WinGS supported several church ministries:
November: Thanksgiving meals to 20 families; wreath making for shut ins (an annual event the Saturday after Thanksgiving)
December: Coats/clothes drive to needy families;
pointsetTias to shut-ins;
Angel Tree gifts
Dolls have been sent to Alabama, New Mexico, Texas, West VA, Haiti and more...
They are in the Samaritan's Purse Christmas Shoe Boxes too!

Belize, Poland, Ukraine, Africa
Magyarország (also known as Hungary); David & Patty Sepety delivered 15 dolls to 3 churches. One in Budapest and 2 in Olaszliszka which is a small village where David's grandparents once lived.

Photos of David & Patty Sepety's trip to Hungary

This doll is on a mission!
Sending Good News around the world.
The dolls are given to children who have experienced trauma and to those who have never heard about Jesus.
Doll making workshops are usually held the last Monday of the month from 11 AM - 2:30 PM with a lunch break. If you would like to participate or need a doll, please contact us.
More 2024 Out Reach Opportunities:
2024 Summer Outreach Project
VBS usually held the last week of June. See our teacher page for more info: Learn More
NEW 2023 SPRING PROJECT: Scarves for
hair loss patients; Contact Paige B for materials
Handmade port pillows being delivered to hospitals to help traveling patients along with scarves: (they have our special WinGS PS 91:4 verse attached.)

2023 Easter gift for shut-ins handcrafted using tin cans:

The Bridge Network April 2023 Backpack Project

2023 Spring Mission Project
This year, we are partnering with Safe House as they hope to rescue 200 Human Trafficking Victims in our region. Our goal is to provide 150 filled backpacks and $150 per rescued victim. The backpack provides essential supplies for their first 24-48 hours and the $150 provides money to secure transportation and a safe place to stay for their first night of freedom.
Items to fill each backpack:
Trave size:
Body wash
Face wash towelettes
Hand sanitizer
Regular size:
Comb and brush
Elastic hair ties
Lip balm
Small journal with pens,
Stress ball/fidget toy/squishy toy (no company names)
Prepackaged non-perishable food snack
Thin blanket
Encouraging note (sign your first name only)
$30 MasterCard or Visa gift card*
Deadline is the Spring meeting, April 27th.
You may bring them to the meeting or drop them off at the office prior to the meeting.
*Please make sure the gift card does not have an inactive card fee as some backpacks may be stored for several months. The small print on the back of the card will identify if it deducts money from the card if it is not used immediately.


2023 Summer Project due by end of July:
collecting hygene kits for migrant farmer workers. Needed items: Shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, toothpast, towels & white pillowcases
Matthew 10:42 "And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say untion you, he shall in no wise lose his reward."

(Mothers Of Many Stages)
is an Eastern Shore of Va group you can find on FaceBook. Click here to see dates and places they meet.
Volunteers needed for childcare
2019 Spring Bible Study
Thursdays from 10-1130 at Cheriton Baptist Fellowship Hall
Starts March 14, 2019
2023 New Study is TBD

Accomack Northampton Pregnancy Resource Center
ANPC - Accomack/Northampton Pregnancy & Parenting Resource Center
Throughout the year the Center needs donations of baby items. You may see a box in the church with a list of needs. There is also an annual Walk for Life and a yearly Banquet. The Open House is a great opportunity to see the facility, but if you missed it, please contact them for a tour.
Offices are open Mon-Thurs 10-4
For the month of February we had a BABY LOVE DONATION SHOWER box in the fellowship hall for donations. Donated: Wipes, diapers, clothes, blankets, crib sheets.
The Youth supported this effort by tie-dying onesies!