"He will cover you with His Wings. And under His Wings you will be safe. He is faithful like a safe-covering and a strong wall." Psalm 91:4 NLB
Happenings, Past & Present
See Calendar for the complete list of Cheriton Baptist church-wide events & activities or visit Event Details to see more church-sponsored events on the Eastern Shore
NOTE: Here are 2 sites we check for events across the Bridge: TheBridgeNet.org & SBCV.org
Contact us if you are in a believing women's group on or near the Eastern Shore and would like to share your event.

PLEASE NOTE: Event registrations may be limited to 80 if held in the fellowship building and 100 if held in the sanctuary due to building capacity limits. Please make your reservations early and let us know if you cannot attend so we can open up a waiting list.

Upcoming in 2024:
Women Victorious - March 9, 2024
Walk for Life - May 4th,
VBS - 6 PM, June 24-28, 2024
Laugh for Life - Oct. 4th,
Go to Calendar for more information
WinGS Past Activities:

Monday November 20, 2023 11 AM Wreath making with Lola B-pictured. Ladies learned her family tradition of making and selling wreaths. Supplies and course free. We created a beautiful wreath for a shut in and one for our own home!
Monday Aug. 7th, 2023 we toured the ANPC and lunched at Don Valerios
We took a health Sabbatical 2020-2021 as far as group gathering & travel.
There was a trip in the fall of 2022. More are planned for 2023! Check out our Calendar to see the full list!
2023 - Walk for Life, Women Victorious
July 2023, Migrant Missions collections and visit from missionary
Women Victorious April 22, 2023 9:30-noon w/ free lunch RSVP by 4/8/23
Theme: When your detours have detours
March 11th The Bridge Network Be the Spark Ignite Hope Women's Conference. If you missed it, please join us next spring!
Dec 2022 Supported coats drive & Angel Tree
May 3-4 2019 Women's Retreat sponsored by Eastville Baptist was held at Sunset Beach Hotel
March 2019 Bible Study:
The Girl's Still Got It: Ruth (author Liz Curtis Higgs

March 9, 2019 Be Fearless Extraordinary Women Simulcast
FEB 14, 2019 WinGS Team Celebrated at Annual Meeting
Jan. 26, 2019 Seminar: EQUIP, at Great Bridge Baptist Church, Chesapeake, VA
Fall/Winter 2018-2019 Bible Study: Bad Girls of Bible and What We Can Learn From Them by Liz Curtis Higgs women's Bible study-click to see pictures.
December 2018 - Wreath making-over 30 ladies learned to make Christmas wreathes
November 2018 Artisan Guild Tour - WinGS sponsored a daytime bus trip to see the works of local artists. It was a day of fun and fellowship.
September 22, 2018 Fall Tea: at Cheriton Baptist Church - a time of music, fellowship and testimony.
If you missed it, look for the sequel in Spring 2020

"The Prayer of Jabez"
February 15, 2018 Thursday

There is power in prayer. The success of the WinGS Women’s Ministry is dependent on prayer.
Our ladies meet once a month to pray over all events, team concerns, home, church and community. Private prayer request can be submitted at any time and held in confidence.
We will pray for you and your concern individually.
Prayer request can be submitted by email, phone, or you are welcome to come. Our door is open for all women of faith to pray together.
The first Wednesday of each month at 1:00-2:00 at Cheriton Baptist Church's Social Hall.