I recently posted a blog on my business site about saving children and keeping them safe.
What about the ones who are grown but have been impacted by child trauma?
What can you do for them?
Quite often you won't know who they are, but they are all around you. You may meet someone who is hard to get to know or difficult to be around. Or you may meet someone who is happy go lucky and seems to have it all together. Adult victims of childhood trauma come in all shapes and sizes. The level of trauma and how it impacted them varies greatly.
Praying for people brings healing.
Not judging.
Being a good listener.
If someone shares a need you may be able to provide a resource. But if you are not a trained counselor, don't think you can fix them. We cannot fix ourselves so how can we think we can fix someone else. Only God is our Healer. Read His Word before you pray and get guidance from above.
You can pray the Psalms if you don't know how to praying Psalm 34:18 is a good place to start.

"...the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings.. Malachai 4:2